About Me

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United Kingdom
I'm a Tri colour Sheltie puppy called Fizz, born on 16/05/09. Find out more about me by reading about all my adventures in my blog =)

Wednesday, 21 April 2010

Beach and tricky t-day!

First of all, proofs that I does swimmings! I mentioned last time that I beed swimming in the river on a hot day, well here is a piccure of me all wet from swimmings.

I looks funny when I'm wet!

Anyway, I'm a bit late updating this but last week we wented to the beach! It beed a nice sunny day but a bit windy so my ears kept doing sillys. I didn't go swimming in the sea though, it be to rough and those waves just keep on chasing me. I chased my ball and stuffs instead though. I founded this star fish too!

Here's me showing Mum the way across the dunes. (The annoying smudge on the photos is probably from me nose-butting the camera lens!)

And here be what I think is a rather lame excuse for a tricky t-day. It be me doing tricks on the beach (well, on the grassy bit next to the beach), I already knew these tricks for a lonnng time but we're working of lots of new ones at the moment so hopefully next time it'll be a bit more interestings.

Also, look what arrived this week! I can just tell I'm going to have lots of fun with these. Doesn't I look happy?

Friday, 9 April 2010

Spring time!

We has had lovely sunshine here for a few days, and there be lots of pretty flowers appearing in the garden. Mum says this means that summer's on it's way! Mum even got sunburn a little bit yesterday when we went for our walk, BOL! She's very pale and burns realllly easily though, it wasn't THAT hot. I gotted really hot though 'cos of my big furry coat (that I'm currently shedding!) so I just dived in the river and cooled off. Mum wishes she'd had her camera with her so she could of tooked some photos of me swimming in the river.

As for Jas Bunny, well she beed renamed Ruby Rabbit. Mum was cuddling her and she decided the name Jas just didn't suit her! So she be called Ruby Rabbit from now on. She my new best friend, every time I go in the garden she runs down her ramp and into her run to see me. She's getting more confident now and even eats sunflower seeds from Mum's hand now.

Mum says if the weather stays nice we'll be going to the beach next week, wooohoooo! She wanted to take me this week but it be the school holidays which means there will be childrens all over the beach and nowhere for me to run and play, BOL!
Next post WILL be tricky t-day, I PROMISE!!

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

New addition!

Mum bought me a new toy! Errr.. I mean, I has a new sister! She be cuddly and cute and has a fuzzy ickle nose but Mum made it very clear she is NOT a toy.

Her name's Jasmine (or Jas for short)...

She's a cheeky furkid! She already pokings her tongue out at me.

I very curious about her. She smells funny and lives in a funny house and eats funny stuffs.

I promise I'll catch up on tricky t-day soon! I beed learning lots of new things but Mum always forgets to set the video camera up when we do trainings.