My eye is getting much better, it not be bothering me at all but I still gots to wear this stupids cone, it's a bit weird cos I blind in my poordy eye at the moment too, so sometimes I gets a bit confuzzled. It looks a lot worse that it actually is, but if you get a bit yukky over stitches and stuff, don't biggify the piccure. Mum gots the poordys now though! She gots something called Flu, but not the pig type. Next time it's Crisp Mas I'll tell Santa Paws that it not nice to give people poordys for crisp mas.

My Crisp Mas was great, but I think it would of been even better if I not had the stupids cone on. On crisp mas eve we wented and picked up Mum's sister and her childrens (my favourite peoples ever). They stayed allll the time until boxing day. It was great fun stealing their toys hehee. On crisp mas day it was super busy and fun, there was paper everywhere, yummy foods and all sorts. Mum says I didn't gets a proper crisp mas dinner, cos she didn't want to have to put up with me farting BOL!! But I did gets a tin of really cool food called Applaws.

I got really cool presents. My favourite be the blue squeaky ball, that be from Mum's friend who lives in a place called Scotland. I literally not stopped playing with it since crisp mas day, and mum had to confiscate it a couple of times cos it hurted her head too much, BOL!! The reindeer dude makes a super funny noise out of his bum too, BOL! I really good at the puzzle game, mum says Santa Paws should of brought me the difficulter one cos I just tooooooo clever. hehee.